Lunching every workday [EXPERIMENT]

It’s the second day of the year. This is more of a resolution than an experiment. But I’ll make it an experiment.

I don’t usually take proper lunches at work, and I don’t just mean the eating part. I mean taking the full hour I’m supposed to take.

I’m paid on salary. Typically, I’d rather skip the full hour and get out earlier instead of taking the full hour and staying later in the afternoon.

The problem is, that doesn’t really work out. I end up staying late regardless.

And no one else is going to police me to make sure I take a full hour lunch or even take a lunch at all. It’s on me.

Lately, I’ve felt this crunch more. Since I’ve been working longer hours anyway, lunch has become a bigger deal for me. More than needing the lunch, I’m seeing it as a chance to take better control of my schedule and set clearer boundaries for work.

Now, that would just be a new year’s resolution if I left it at that. But I’m making it an experiment.

For the month of January, I’m going to track which days I take the full hour for lunch and which days I don’t. (This only applies to work days.)

I don’t know that I’ll update too much during the month, unless something unexpected happens. I’m planning to keep the tally and then report the results at the end of the month.

So here we go.

And yes, I wrote this on my lunch break.