Goal Tracker app

I’ve never been a big app user.

I didn’t get a smart phone until the mid-2010’s. Everyone says mine isn’t even a real smart phone. It has a touch screen, but it’s pretty stupid. I don’t pay for data.

Last month, I started experimenting with an app called Goal Tracker. It’s an android app, a knock-off of a more popular habit tracking app I heard about. It’s pretty much a calendar that lets you check off (as in completed) or cross out (as in not completed) goals on repeating intervals.

I’ve only worked with daily goals, most recently adding “lunching every workday.”

My wife, Meagan, does something similar with her bullet journals.

What I like about the app, though – other than not having to carry my physical journal with me all day – is that it automatically alerts me on the specified interval. For instance, for lunch, I’ve set it to automatically let me know at 11:30am that I ought to be getting ready for a lunch break at noon.

I think this will be even more powerful when I expand it to habits I want to repeat less frequently, like remembering to do something on the second Monday of every month or whatever.

I’ve used similar tools at work for a while, but I’m just starting to bring them into my personal life to make things easier. It’s like, “If I were to have a personal assistant, what could I outsource them that person?” In a lot of cases, the answer could be outsourced to my phone instead.

Welcome to 2019, Marshall. I’m a little behind the curve here.