The wardrobe diet

I don’t have to wear all my clothes.

It’s not like I actually wear all of them anyway. I wear about two-thirds of all my clothes in my closet in any given month, not including seasonal items like jackets that I don’t wear in the summer. I think two-thirds is a pretty high percentage. And I like that I make use of most of my clothes. I don’t have a lot of fluff in my closet and dresser.


I’ve been trying to pare down to more of a uniform or capsule wardrobe where I pretty much where the same thing each day. The challenge has been that I have a lot of clothes that don’t fit that category. I have plaid shirts that standout when I wear them. I have jeans that I don’t even want to be part of the whole capsule/uniform wardrobe.

My instinct has been to wear all of this stuff until I get rid of it. But I’m not getting rid of it yet. So I’m just wearing all this stuff.

I’m thinking the way to move into the whole capsule/uniform wardrobe is to just stop wearing everything. Kind of like a diet. I grew up eating everything on my plate, so trying to go on a diet would mean actively not eating everything on my plate. The wardrobe diet would mean actively not wearing everything in my closet.