The day I (re)discovered facebook lists

Today, or rather tonight (the way it’s seemed to be lately), I rediscovered facebook lists. This is revolutionizing my facebook use.

I discovered facebook lists for the first time over a year ago (I think… I don’t remember the exact day). I mostly used them to segment my listening.

Today, though, I was considering starting a completely new facebook account to go along with a new blog I’m considering starting. The problem was, however, that I didn’t want to create a whole new inbox, a whole new social setting. All I really wanted was the ability to communicate directly and specifically (and differently) to the contacts I gather through this new blog.

For some reason – I can only thank the Lord – I remembered facebook lists.

I actually had some trouble figuring out how they worked. I didn’t know how to edit an already created list. Thanks to this facebook tutorial page and a lot of stumbling about, I figured it out. And I’m more thankful than you can imagine because of it.

As I said, this is going to revolutionize my facebook activity. I’ve seen that facebook tends to create stronger connections than any other social media outlet. Now with the use of lists I’m not only going to be able to listen selectively, I’m going to start interacting and giving back selectively. And that, my friends, is powerful because it’s more personal.

Welcome to the new, listed Marshall Jones Jr.

If you haven’t messed with lists, now might be the time to start working with them… especially if you have some separation in the types of friends and contacts you have.