Sleep schedule [EXPERIMENT] – Week 2

Once again, not a good week as far as following the plan goes.

It’s harder to keep this going than I assumed, and I assumed it would be hard. At this point, I need to find a better source of motivation for sticking to the plan. Right now, other motives vie for my attention, especially at night. And if I don’t get to bed at a decent hour, getting up doesn’t happen.

Actually, sometimes I could get up, but then I know it would mess with the rest of my day. So if I stay up late, I give up on the plan to wake up because I don’t want to ruin the next day. This means the whole thing, at least for now, hinges on getting to bed.

A week ago, I mentioned, “I need to time box other projects as soon as I get home. If I jump on Facebook or check email real quick, it never turns out to be “real quick.” I think I might need to make time boxing a separate experiment to see if I can feasibly pull it off. If so, then I can use that habit to come back and try out the sleep schedule.

Another option of course is to work on the time boxing habit right in the middle of this sleep schedule experiment. I’ve pretty much been doing this unofficially for the past week. I think if I give it specific attention, though, I might improve.

Lastly, in last week’s update, I mentioned that I’d record the times I got to bed and got out of bed. That never happened. After writing about it, I promptly forgot.

So here I go again, hopefully with different results this time.