Paper Marshallogue [EXPERIMENT]

For the next three weeks, I’ll be traipsing around India. I came up with a number of options for what to do with Marshallogue while I’m traveling, but the most compelling idea that’s stuck is to take a break from sharing with you.

I won’t stop writing. Even over the past few weeks when the posts haven’t been published as regularly here, I’ve continued writing. Over the past few weeks, I’ve written posts and then just left them as drafts, not ready to publish them yet but not going to give up on them either.

Moving forward through the coming three weeks, I’d like to try experimenting with writing offline. And by “offline,” I mean writing on paper, not even on my computer.

This will be a first in the history of Marshallogue. I’ve kept a journal in the past, evening while continuing to Marshallogue, but I haven’t kept up with my journals much in Saudi, especially not the paper copies. Even though I’m planning to travel a lot in India, I figure I should be able to carve out at least a few moments here and there to write.

I’m bringing a notepad and two blue pens. I’ll write each day. I’ll keep it all with me as I travel. I won’t share it.

At the end, I’ll publish some, if not all, of what I write. I’m not sure yet if I’ll continue for a full month, through the end of August, or if I’ll finish when my trip through India finishes. I guess we’ll see together.

For now, thank you for reading. If you visit Marshallogue while I’m taking this break and want to read, I suggest checking out a random post. Just for you, I installed a simple tool to allow you to stumble through the entire archives at random while I’m away. Check it out up in the header by the yellow logo, where it says “random.” I know it’s not the same as getting new posts, but I hope you still enjoy it.

And with that, adios.

Update: you might see some backdated posts show up while I’m away. These are posts I pretty much finished before leaving for India but didn’t publish. Keep a lookout for them if you want. They’re pretty sneaky.