Linking here on Facebook [EXPERIMENT]

If you’re jumping over here from Facebook, welcome. If you’re a regular reader, I’m pretty sure I actually like you better than the bunch from Facebook. ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway, my experiment for March – one of them – is to post a link on Facebook to every Marshallogueย post I publish this month, one each day.

When I first started this blog/site, I posted to my Facebook profile. But then I switched to posting just to a Facebook page. I’ve since killed that page, for a couple reasons, but one of them is because I want to try posting to my profile again.

Over the next week or so, I’m going to share about a recent set of experiments I tried. They’re kind of ridiculous, actually. If you want to follow along, though, you can sign up by email to get updated or just visit back here whenever you like.

Either way, if you’re on Facebook with me, you might see these posts pop up more often. Or you might decide to unfriend me as a result.

I guess that’s why it’s an experiment. We’ll see.