Derek Sivers’s advice on… a bunch of stuff

Derek Sivers is one of those guys who’s popped up all over the place but who I’ve never really followed. Until now.

I recently scanned and read through a pretty decent chunk of his archives. These were some of my favorites:

  1. Leadership lessons from dancing guy: You might have seen the video of this before, but his commentary is awesome. This is what I’m all about.
  2. There’s no speed limit. (The lessons that changed my life.): It’s about education, but it’s really about life. You don’t have to go the speed everyone expects you to.
  3. Japanese addresses: The opposite is also true: I don’t agree completely. But I’m a fan of opposites in general, so I had to include this one. Well, that and because the same is true for Korean addresses.
  4. The power of no reward: Sometimes, it’s better not to get a reward, or give one. I want to live in that space.
  5. Advice for a 19-year-0ld guitarist who wants to be a session musician: This is about getting into anything, not just music. It’s easier if you’re 19, though.
  6. Call the destination, and ask for directions: This one seems super obvious, but with all the email asking I’ve been doing, it hit me harder.
  7. Whatever scares or excites you, go do it: This is something I could have written (actually, I might have written something pretty similar – I’m not sure).
  8. Mystery: Are people asking themselves questions about you?: If you want to get people interested in something, get them to ask questions about it. People can’t stand not knowing the answers. They’ll stay intrigued.
  9. Small actions changing self-identity: Sounds a lot like the ol’ “We are what repeatedly do” mantra. Maybe there’s some truth to that.
  10. Eliminating the time between thinking and doing it: If you’re never doing it now, you’re never doing it.
  11. Goals shape the present, not the future: Similar to #10, except more practical for when you actually make goals.
  12. Early drafts of great work are encouraging: I need to remember this when I start projects, not to forget to document where I’ve been. And then take the important, and scary, step of releasing them to the world.
  13. Imagining lots of tedious steps? Or one fun step?: If it’s something you don’t want to do, you’re probably imagining all the tedious steps, not the one fun step.