Course before audience

Jacques released a coaching course for course creators.

I really want to join it. I’m not sure it’s exactly right for me just yet. I still have a lot to do that I know how to do.

I emailed him and told him that too.

(I told him I could hear Nate Dodson saying, “Just hire Jacques to coach you. It’s the one decision that makes all others easier or irrelevant.”)

Jacques said it could be for me too, even though I’m just starting out. He also asked why I didn’t start by building an audience for the course before building the whole course.

I’ve heard that recommendation before, from him and others. I even thought I would go that route, the way he suggested, building the audience first and then building the course afterward.

For some reason, I’ve just had a harder time getting motivated to do it that way. I’ve built various levels of online audiences over the years. I’m not saying I’m good at it, but I feel like I want this to be more transactional. More like, “Here’s what I’ve got. Here what it’ll do for you. Here’s how to get it.”

Frank Kern said that in some video I saw of his a decade ago.

That said, I do need to finish this first version of the course so I actually can start building the audience.

It’s June already.