Am I organized?
If you asked me if I’m an organized person, I’d probably say no. I’ve self-identified as an ENTP, which means I’m organized in my thoughts but not externally. It’s been on my About Page for…
If you asked me if I’m an organized person, I’d probably say no. I’ve self-identified as an ENTP, which means I’m organized in my thoughts but not externally. It’s been on my About Page for…
It’s great when you’re thinking about something, mulling it over, and then someone else comes up with the same idea, maybe ahead of you, and shares what they think on it. That happened recently with…
CEO’s also have to be detail oriented. What looks like a detail on their radar is an entire department with employees, budgets, forecasts, products, services, customers, clients, vendors, and everything else. I’m not a CEO….