Am I organized?

If you asked me if I’m an organized person, I’d probably say no.

I’ve self-identified as an ENTP, which means I’m organized in my thoughts but not externally. It’s been on my About Page for years.

Lately, I’ve been giving more thought to how I categorize myself here. Specifically, I’m trying to become a more organized person, hopefully even getting to the point where other people would consider me organized.

Part of where that starts, though, is identifying as an organized person. Like if I always tell myself, “Well, you’re not an organized person,” what are the odds that I’ll stay organized?

Another part of it is that I haven’t valued being organized. I value creativity, spontaneity, and fun. Organized people, in my mind, are more stressed out, more strict, and more boring. And it takes a lot of work. But that’s just how I’ve thought of it in the past.

I’ve been thinking about how I often take pride in not knowing certain things (the latest sports news), not being good at certain things (penmanship), and not doing certain things (exercising). That’s really a toxic attitude. It’s so subtle, but it’s toxic. It’s like complaining: everyone does it to some degree so it’s socially acceptable. But that doesn’t make it good.

So this is one of those things for me. I’ve enjoyed being the guy who’s spontaneous, not a great planner, the mad scientist. But it doesn’t have to be a trade-off. I could be spontaneous and a great planner, a mad scientist and organized. It’s just a matter of valuing it and then getting better at it on purpose.

And getting better at it can take a lot of shapes. Being organized doesn’t just mean finding spots for the 1,200 pairs of shoes in the closet. The other version, the one that aligns better with my other values, might be to get rid of the 1,200 pairs of shoes, keep just three pairs, and keep those neatly in the bottom of the closet.

It’s a path.

First, “I haven’t been organized, but I’d like to become that way.”

Then, “I am an organized person because I love to stay organized.”

Until finally, “I’m the most organized person you know, and I can show you how to be organized too.”