The Asian American Man study (and what it means to me)

This guy I found ran an informal study on Asian American men.

He’d noticed some trends in his own life as an Asian American man and wanted to see if some of these held up across a larger population of Asian American men. He set up a survey with 19 or so questions and then asked for Asian American men to participate by answering the questions on his survey. Once he gathered a enough responses, he published the finding.

It was a success. A number of respected news outlets linked to his survey. More importantly, the survey helped the rest of us understand more of what life is like from their perspective.

In general, I wasn’t particularly interested in understanding Asian American men, but the published results caught my attention. I’m now more interested in what they go through than I was before I ran across the study. Mostly, though, seeing a study like this, put together by a normal guy like that, that’s interesting, even helpful for someone like me, someone who otherwise wasn’t particularly interested or even aware of the situation, gives me the inspiration to do something similar myself.