The kid who saves his Christmas chocolates? That’s not me.
The boy who makes weapons out of sticks? That’s not me.
The basketball player who wants to play professionally? That’s not me.
The artist who considers becoming an architect? That’s not me.
The home schooler who graduates early? That’s not me.
The drummer who plays worship music at youth camps? That’s not me.
The guy who too many girls like? That’s not me.
The guitarist who’s interested in producing music? That’s not me.
The teenager who grows dreadlocks? That’s not me.
The college student who lives at home? That’s not me.
The philosophy major who questions God’s existence? That’s not me.
The blogger who thinks he will go pro? That’s not me.
The social media guy who helps churches make friends online? That’s not me.
The teacher who will continue his education, in education? That’s not me.
That might have been me. But not now.
That’s not me now.