One thing I’ve learned from work at Sonitrol

May 21 marked my two year anniversary of working at Sonitrol.

I’ve learned a lot over the past two years, but reflecting on it all, I think the one lesson I’d like to share is this: you have to tell people when you do things for them.

For instance…

  • If your boss asks you to do something, you have to tell your boss when it’s done.
  • If your boss asks you to repeat the same process each week/month/quarter/year, you have to tell your boss each time it’s done.
  • If you finish performing a service for a customer, you have to tell the customer you did it.
  • If you send something to a customer, you have to tell them when it’s in the mail and preferably when it will arrive.
  • If you do something for free, tell the customer each and every time.
  • If you do something for an employee, tell that employees.
  • If you make a decision for the company, tell the company.

It all feels pretty straight forward when it’s written down. For me, though, you’d be surprised how easy it is to…

  • Launch a product and forget to tell former customers who might come back because of it.
  • Waive part of a charge and not inform the customer, assuming they’ll appreciate it anyway.
  • Send an email and forget to copy your boss, your employees, your customer.

That’s one of the lessons I’m learning.