Continuing the celebration from last week, I’m thrilled to announce the second product called Marshallogue: The Collector’s Edition.
This is a print edition (as in paper and cover and all that) of the best of the first 1,000 posts published on Marshallogue, plus a few other goodies. Weighing in at 150+ pages and boasting a ridiculously conspicuous photo of me on the cover, this isn’t for the faint of heart.
At $100 each, neither is the price tag.
Only 100 of these will ever be printed, though (100 x $100 = $10,000, the target for the adoption fund). Once those are sold, that’s it. Forever.
If you want the Collector’s Edition or if you want a few of them, whether because you want to pass them out as gifts, because you think I’ll become a famous author someday and want to be able to say you “supported me when…”, or because you just really want to support me now and have the cash to do it, I’d appreciate it if you’d check this out.