Why I’m scared to learn Korean

A while ago, I mentioned on Facebook that I’m scared to learn Korean. Someone replied, “Why?”

That’s a great question. It’s taken me a while to come up with an answer. I’m still not sure it’s a good answer, but it’s what I’ve got for now. I’m scared to learn Korean because…

  • It has no end.
  • It seems impossible in one year.
  • Since it has no end and seems impossible, it’s setting myself up to fail.
  • I don’t really want to learn it – I just want to have learned it.
  • I’m not willing to dedicate the time and effort that’s required to learn it.
  • I’m not willing to give up other things to learn.
  • I’m afraid of making mistakes in front of my Korean friends.
  • I’m afraid of making mistakes in front of random Koreans on the street too.
  • I’m afraid of making mistakes and trying really hard, giving up other things in the process, only to leave after a year, having never progressed to even a conversational level.

Why am I scared to learn Korean? Because it’s scary.