Why I might have my body cremated when I die

Why would I want to have my body cremated when I die?

It’s cheaper.

If I can save a few thousand dollars by burning instead of burying my body, why not go for it. Instead of burial costs, the money could be donated to charity: water or some other charity that’s actually doing something amazing with money.

For me, it’s not going to make any difference either way. Sure, whichever option I choose might affect my lingering reputation, if that even exists. But seriously, it’s all for whoever’s left behind.

Still, it’s important to consider those who are left behind: children, friends, perhaps a spouse, and so on. Would it be harder for them to reconcile cremation?

Let’s consider the options again:

  1. Save a few lives, maybe even a few hundred lives, through a well-placed and well-funded donation.
  2. Save a few feelings, maybe even a few hundred, depending on how many friends and family I have when I die.

Are the options really even worth comparing?

On top of that, perhaps leaving an example like this, one that puts the lives of others above the feelings of friends and family – perhaps that might even encourage a few of those friends and family members to contribute to the charity as well.

That’s why I’m considering cremation, seriously considering it. I want to leave an example of how to live, how to die, and what to do when I die. And I want to save as many lives as possible.