We’re having a baby

So, maybe this is a little overdue at this point, but…

Meagan and I are having a baby!

This month.

In October.

We’ve obviously known about this for a while, but I’ve never actually posted it here. As I opened up the site today, I realized, You know, I probably ought to post about this. Twenty years from now, it’ll be a good idea to have a record of writing about this, right?

Once he was old enough, we took him to get his second set of photos taken. We found out he’s a boy.

Naturally, you’d think we’d have a name by now, but I’m not sure we do.

At this point, it’s just going to be a surprise, everyone else as much as to us.

Gage will be a big brother. I remember when I found out Raquel was going to be born. I remember thinking, Wow, when she’s 5, I’ll be 16. And when she’s 10, I’ll be 21.

That’s almost the same age difference between Gage and this little guy.

I wonder if he’s thinking, Wow, when he’s 5, I’ll be 15…