
Each year on my birthday (not written ahead), I publish here, something about my birthday. Today is that day again.

I’ve been gone for the past three years, living out of the country. This is my first birthday back in Kentucky in the United States since I first moved abroad.

In that time, some things changed. I didn’t give presents to everyone for their birthdays. I didn’t get them each year either. I wrote about what I like to get, though, if someone must get me a gift.

As a result, I’ve been curious to see how this would go. Would it return to before I left? Or have things really changed?

Well, my mom made enchiladas. We ate razzleberry pie with vanilla ice cream. I got a few cards, opened a few presents – mostly books, which I love – and, yeah, flew in a biplane. So cool!

It worked out pretty well, I think. It’s a strong step toward a better birthday tradition. I feel full.