The opposite of just in case

We need an expression for the opposite of just in case. We don’t have one in English. We throw the phrase onto the end of decisions without considering the downsides, like the plastic guard on a weed eater.

It’s easy to add things just in case because safety seems comfortable. It gets worse, though, because we don’t have an opposite argument, not even an opposite phrase.

When the idea pops up – Should I add this just in case? – we have no opposing perspective, no reason to consider not just in case. No one argues that just is case is just as dangerous.

But we should. Someone should. Someone should stand against just in case, or at least question it.

The benefit of ditching just in case is the ability to act faster. Constantly worrying about what’s required just in case only makes decisions scarier.

No matter how much we prepare, we’re never fully finished. That’s okay. Act anyway. Finish anyway. As Seth would say, ship anyway.

Maybe that’s an idea for the opposite of just in case. Instead of saying (or thinking or acting), “Just in case,” maybe we should try just to ship.

Why aren’t you adding that extra feature? Why aren’t you planning more? Why aren’t you stalling? Just to ship.