The Law of the Classroom

The Law of the Classroom states,

We rise to the level the test requires.

For example…

  • If we have to memorize 500 items for the test, that’s what we’ll do.
  • If we have to run 26.2 miles to complete the marathon, that’s what we’ll do.
  • If we have to scale 28,251 feet to summit K2, that’s what we’ll do.

Ironically, though, 550 items would seem insane. So would 30 miles. And28,500 feet.

But if that was the challenge, that’s what we’d do.

Not everyone’s going to take that class or run that marathon or climb that mountain – granted. But for those with the guts to tackle them in the first place, adding to the test only adds to the accomplishment.

And I’m not just talking about classes, marathons, and mountains here.