No books yet

We’re almost finished with the first month of 2010, and I haven’t finished any books yet. I’m working on two, slowly.

Last year, I finished over 40 before November. For the past few months, though, my book (and info in general) consumption has dropped off. Sorry, Book Sneeze. I’ve been spending way more time writing and interacting.

It’s an interesting side effect really. Since I’m producing more, my consumption has had to drop, meaning my PCR is growing. I just don’t have time for reading. Instead, I’ve listened and watched more online as I’ve been able to do that while doing other things.

Another interesting side effect is that I have to be way more selective in my reading (which means I need your recommendations more than ever). I never wasted time reading before, and if I read part of a book and found it was lame, I would stop. Now, though, I’m ruthless with the books I even consider reading.

If I keep up my current pace, I’ll probably finish out the year finishing 10 books. I think my pace will increase some though. Perhaps I’ll finish closer to 15.

For now, I’m more concerned with writing. I’d rather write one book per year than read 100… any year of my life.