Mispronouncing in your head

Zach, who’s eight years old now, is a strong reader. We’re sitting at the table, and he’s reading to himself.

“Why don’t you read out loud?” I said.

He didn’t answer.

“What happens when you get to a word you don’t know?”

He finished his paragraph in his head and then answered. “Then I’ll ask you.”

He hadn’t asked me for any help yet. He’s a strong reader but not that strong.

“What happens when you get to a word you don’t know, but you don’t know that you don’t know it?”

I don’t think he processed that. He kept reading on his own.

But that’s the trouble with going it alone. He won’t know when he doesn’t know, won’t know when he mispronounces a word in his head. Isn’t that usually the trouble for any of us, not knowing when we don’t know, not knowing when we’re mispronouncing the world in our head?

Read “No one knows what they’re doing” (but watch the language) for more on this.