Inspirational people vs. inspirational quotes

This is the third post I’ve started today. I’ve struggled to finish because of a paradox.

One of the most fulfilling experiences in life is inspiring a friend to be amazing. I love it. On the other hand, I hate inspirational garbage. Canned inspiration cheapens real inspiration.

Someone please step up and inspire with your life instead of with a one line, Hallmark quote.

It’s easy to say, “Just do it,” and leave it at that. It’s easy to say, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and leave it at that.

It’s easy to say, “Step up and inspire with your life instead of with a one line, Hallmark quote,” and leave it at that.

How easy it is to write a Hallmark post too.

But do we need another life distilled into a couple lines of English? Or do we instead need a couple lines of English explained in real life?

[Update: If you really want those Hallmark quotes, here’s how to create them the right way.]