
I’m a big fan of Andrew Warner’s Mixergy.com and sometimes personality tests. Now I’m a fan of Sally Hogshead too. I found her through Andrew’s interview with her here.

Sally Hogshead wrote a book about the seven triggers she’s identified that make us fascinated with certain brands, products, or even specific people. In the interview, she does a good job outlining each and providing practical examples of how to apply them. <<That’s really the important part.

To help with this, she developed a test to see what kinds of triggers we naturally use to be fascinating. The result’s called an {f}score. You can take the test for free right here.

I took  it, and here’s my {f}score:

  • Primary trigger: Vice
  • Secondary trigger: Prestige
  • Dormant trigger: Trust

[You can learn more about what that actually means here.]

Frankly, I’m not sure the test itself provided anything new for me, except perhaps new terms. For example, using the term “vice” to describe something like creativity and spontaneity was a new for me.

Overall, though, I liked the test because it helped me see how my personality fits in with what Sally was talking about in the interview, which is probably what she was shooting for with the test anyway.

So here’s the deal: take the test and let me know your results. I love to learn more about you.

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