The feeling of being on top of things

I’ve been thinking a lot about the feeling of being on top of things.

  • When my email was out of control, I didn’t feel like I was on top of things.
  • When my dishes in the sink were out of control, I didn’t feel like I was on top of things.
  • When my wife’s Honey-Do list was out of control, I didn’t feel like I was on top of things. (I still have a bunch on this list, but it’s getting better.)

Knocking each of these down, or just outright eliminating them, helps me feel like I’m on top of things.

And it’s amazing how much this helps.

The more I feel like I’m on top of things, the easier it is to stay on top of other things.

  • When I’m on top of my email, it’s easier to get my To-Do list lined out.
  • When I’m on top of the dishes in my sink, it’s easier to notice the floor needs to be swept… and then sweep it.
  • When I’m on top of the Honey-Do list, it’s easier to find the energy to knock out just one more item on the list.

Each win is an emotional win, and each emotional win helps propel me toward accomplishing more. Stringing those wins together, I feel a small taste of what super productive people must feel, that flow.