Dorm-style lifestyle: Missing it already

Rob banged on my door.

“Just a sec,” I called back.

Naturally, he tried the door anyway. Thankfully, I’d remembered to lock it.

I was standing there in front of the kitchen area half dressed. I’d just taken a shower and was about to start some dinner.

I threw on some shorts and a long-sleeved shirt and then opened the door.

“What up?” I said.


“What are you up to?”

“I’m out of Internet,” he said.

“Ah, that’s right.”

“Do you have it?”

“Yeah, well, kind of. I mean, I’m leeching off Lucas.”

“But is it good?” he asked. “Or is it… meh?”

“It’s… okay. Not great. Okay.”

“Mind if I use it?”

I hesitated and made sure he noticed. I was about to make some dinner. I kind of wanted the evening to myself. Without the Internet, I figured I’d just chill and read a book, maybe even get to sleep early. I was looking forward to making my chili too.

“It’s okay. I’ll just go to sleep,” he said. “I can go one night without Internet.”

“All right, cool. Maybe we can swap movies or something tomorrow night. You can grab some Internet then. Sound good?”

“Yeah, dude.”

And with that, he sauntered back toward his place.

“Goodnight, man,” I called after him.

When I got back to my place, I regretted not inviting him in. So what if I’m tired? How much longer will I have these opportunities?

I’m going to miss friends banging on my door right as I’m fixing dinner. I’m going to miss swapping movies and Internet and stories without any appointments. I’m going to miss this dorm-style lifestyle.