2 purchases now that I’m back

So I’m back and ready to spend money. Well, actually, “ready to spend money” isn’t the best way to put it. What I’m ready to do is finally pick up a couple things I’ve been meaning to purchase for a while now.

The first one is a new camera. I traveled to Korea with a dilapidated, old camera. Tape literally held the batteries inside. I intended to buy a new one in Korea. Checking prices in Korea, though, I realized it would be cheaper to have bought something back in the States. So I kept my eye on Craigslist in case any amazing deals came up. Foreigners leave all the time, selling all their stuff before they go. I didn’t really find anything I wanted.

Part of the problem was that I didn’t know what I wanted. At first, I thought I wanted to get a DSLR and start taking real photos. After traveling more through southeast Asia, though, I realized I really just want a decent point-and-shoot camera, something I can carry with me all the time and something that will capture good photos in dimly lit restaurants.

So that’s what I’m looking for now. If you have any suggestions…

The second one is a Kindle. While I was in Korea, I purchased a bunch of books on Kindle and read them on my computer. I also downloaded a few free ones. I realized that if I’m going to move to Left Asia, it would be really nice to go without any books, and return that way as well.

This past trip, I somehow collected two boxes worth of books that ended up having to be shipped back to America. It actually wasn’t that big of a deal – shipping by ship turns out to be relatively cheap, and the books survived. Still, I love the idea of keeping all my books in the palm of my hand or hovering above my head in the Cloud.

So that’s the other item I want to pick up. Any suggestions for that one? Otherwise, I don’t often buy stuff.