109 rapid-fire memories from 2009

Here’s a rundown of my year. It’s not in any particular order: not chronological, not prioritized. Also, a ton is missing. It’s just what came to mind when I sat down to write.

Here are the moments I remember:

  1. Traveling to California with my brother, William, and my grandparents
  2. The five police officers waking us up in the Gatlinburg parking lot
  3. Seeing the frozen lakes when we crossed into the upper peninsula in Michigan
  4. Eating a whole apply pie the day before my birthday
  5. Starting to attend Roger’s Bible study
  6. Staying up all night doing things I loved
  7. Starting to jog again
  8. Building up my calluses for barefoot jogging
  9. Having the wart on my foot frozen off… twice
  10. Frisbee at the park by IUS
  11. My blog getting hacked… twice
  12. Relaunching bondChristian.com
  13. Launching this blog
  14. Posting over 100 days in a row to this blog
  15. Reading about 50 books
  16. Posting my 1,000th tweet on my father’s birthday
  17. Teaching on Sunday morning
  18. Writing letters
  19. Trying to train for 100 pushups in one set… and never reaching the goal
  20. Cutting Ted’s hair through out the year
  21. Starting to wear V-neck shirts
  22. Receiving a netbook laptop for my birthday
  23. Watching Jimmy Fallon take over after Jay Leno
  24. Watching my sister’s first ballet performance
  25. Walking across the stage at graduation
  26. Talking with friends waiting to walk at graduation
  27. Taking pictures with friends waiting to walk at graduation
  28. Meeting new people online… lots of them
  29. Leaving hundreds of comments on blogs
  30. Spending 100s of hours on facebook
  31. Investigating Toastmasters (and planning to join one in January)
  32. Taking pictures with my family… and none of them turning out
  33. Playing Go Fish with Madison
  34. Meeting my grandpa’s son’s wife for the first time
  35. Going to the San Diego fair
  36. Going to Sea World with my uncle and aunt and brother
  37. Getting a not-as-amazing grade on a paper because I didn’t cite sources
  38. Not rising early regularly at all the whole year
  39. Writing an ebook
  40. Applying for jobs
  41. Working as a printer installer
  42. Becoming more involved on twitter
  43. Swimming in the Cohn’s swimming pool
  44. Running out of paper in my journal and not getting a new one (yet)
  45. Quitting facebook chat
  46. Grew my facebook friends to over 300
  47. House sitting at the Cohn’s place for a couple days
  48. Realizing skydiving might not be as scary as I once thought
  49. Starting a bonfire at Timothy’s birthday party with Matthew’s gasoline (aka milk)
  50. Home schooling Raquel
  51. Reading The Little Pilgrim’s Progress with Raquel
  52. Watching my brother, William, do 200 pushups in one set
  53. Listening to my brother, Ted, talk about his movie ideas for Fable
  54. Filling water balloons with Grace and Ashley for the graduation (?) party
  55. Climbing the boulders at the New Mexico rest stop
  56. Climbing Chimney Tops in the dark
  57. Listening to Ted and William playing Bon Jovi songs
  58. Laughing so much (but not remembering the specific things anymore… the way laughter often is)
  59. Letting my body ride the waves in the chilly Pacific Ocean with my cousin, Blaine
  60. Reading not quite 50 books
  61. Riding in the back seat on the way back from Michigan reading books
  62. Seeing my cousins, Carrie and Heather, for the first time in years and their kids for the first time ever
  63. Realizing just how little GPA really even one month after graduation
  64. Meeting Colin, Brooke’s husband, for the first time
  65. Being amazed when Brooke said I was her best high school friend
  66. Not playing drums much at all
  67. Almost quitting guitar
  68. Plotting with Ted and pulling off his Surprise Surprise Birthday party
  69. Making a list of 100 posts I’d like to write
  70. Having too long conversations on chat
  71. Chatting with Robyn at odd hours of the night because I’m a night (freak) owl, and she’s finally in Israel
  72. Learning to say the ABCs backward in under four seconds
  73. Watching my brother, Zach, turn into a gaming junky
  74. Stalling and sweating while learning to drive a stick shift
  75. Discovering Gary Vaynerchuk through his personal video blog
  76. Discovering Seth Godin through Purple Cow
  77. Discovering Anthony Robbins through Awaken the Giant Within
  78. Thinking about Polyamory because of Steve Pavlina
  79. Rethinking humility because of Andrew Murray
  80. Starting to read the Bible and learn much more from an others-oriented perspective
  81. Emailing James Marshall’s brother about coding (but not really following up on it much)
  82. Coining phrases like, I’d rather be hated than forgotten; Love is a noun; If you hate Mondays, you’ll hate a seventh of your life; and many more.
  83. Asking, “If you knew you would die tomorrow, would you feel cheated today?
  84. Answering, “If I knew I would die tomorrow, I wouldn’t feel cheated today – but I’m not sure I could say the same if it were instead my mother dying.”
  85. Enjoying the best skiing experience of my life
  86. Falling really, really hard during the best skiing experience of my life
  87. Joining my first blog carnival
  88. Hearing about Michael Jackson dying through portable Internet at the San Diego fair
  89. Sending in my first guest post and anxiously waiting to hear back
  90. Feeling awkward for the first time seconds after midnight on the 1st of January
  91. Paying attention to kids growing beards
  92. Discovering a number of new blogs
  93. Talking with my parents a few months ago about rather serious things (who does that anymore?)
  94. Uploading hundreds of pictures to facebook
  95. Trying to upload dozens of pictures to facebook only to find them fail after 45 minutes of trying
  96. Commenting on every post on bondChristian.com and emailing followups
  97. Thinking bigger with bondChristian for the first time (as in membership sites and tours etc.)
  98. Leaving for the New Years party late because I was writing this (William: stupid) list
  99. Using lists on twitter
  100. Not buying many clothes
  101. Seeing myself in the same clothes I’m wearing now in pictures from a decade ago
  102. Taking pictures every couple seconds in the Sea World tower
  103. Loving Aunt Christine’s new house
  104. Enjoying good times with friends at A&W
  105. Quoting movies
  106. Discovering The Sasquatch Gang and sharing it for the viewing pleasure of others
  107. Planning for January 2010
  108. Deciding to call 2010 “oh-ten”
  109. Looking back over the past decade (even though it’s only supposed to be over the past year) and wishing you a happy new year!*

And hundreds more I won’t include because something I’m still afraid to share even with you.

*By “Happy new year,” I mean, may you be thankful all year.