10 assumptions behind life experiments

  1. You don’t have to do what other people tell you to do just because they tell you to do it.
  2. You don’t have to do what other people do just because they do it.
  3. You don’t have to do what you’ve always done just because you’ve always done it.
  4. You don’t have to do what “works” just because it works. You can break things.
  5. You don’t always know what works until you break it.
  6. You don’t always know what works until you compare it to something else.
  7. You don’t “know” an experience just by thinking about it.
  8. You don’t have to do everything for the results at the end. You can enjoy the journey and make that your motivation.
  9. You don’t have to continue everything you start. You can start knowing you’re going to stop.
  10. You don’t have to learn by accident. You can purposely create those environments and place yourself in them.